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Autumn Pool Maintenance and must-haves

Autumn Pool Maintenance

A pool is one of the best outdoor home entertainment features in any Australian home. Regardless of the exciting summer pool parties and evening swim sessions, pools can turn out to be an expensive investment if not appropriately maintained.

It is crucial to keep your swimming pool clean no matter the time of the year. Maintaining and cleaning your pool can help you save thousands of dollars in future pool repairs or heavy-duty cleaning.

Small tasks like spot cleaning an algae stain or cleaning the leaves during the Autumn months can help you save money, time and energy so that you can enjoy your pool in the summer.


What maintenance does a pool require in Autumn?

A pool is an attractive investment for any Australian home, but it requires maintenance all year round.

Taking care of your pool during Autumn will help you preserve it for future usage. Cooler weather calls for special maintenance and cleaning requirements. While in the summer months, the pool is used and maintained regularly, the Autumn maintenance focus on preserving the pool’s longevity.

Here are a few ways you can maintain your pool during Autumn:

Balance the water’s pH level
Always keep a check on your pool’s pH level. The optimum level is between 7.2 to 7.6.

Check chlorine levels regularly
You should maintain your pool’s chlorine level between 2-3 PPM to ensure safety and hygiene.

Protect against algae
Use an algaecide to protect your pool which will enhance your pool’s longevity. The algaecide will also increase the effectiveness of your pool.

Use a shock treatment
Sanitising your pool with a heavy-duty shock treatment during the cooler months is an integral step in autumn and winter pool maintenance.

Keep your pool covered
One of the most manageable steps in maintaining your pool during autumn is keeping it covered whenever it’s not in use. Covering the pool prevents leaves and debris from getting into your pool.


What happens if you don't winterise your pool?

When the temperature starts dropping, it's essential to follow proper winterisation techniques to maintain your swimming pool; multiple problems occur if steps aren’t taken to keep your pool during the autumn and winter months.

Here are a few potential problems your pool could face if you don’t winterise it -

Liner Damage
A protective liner is present in both above ground pools and in-ground pools. This liner holds the water and prevents damage to the foundation of the pool. Cool-weather conditions have the potential to create cracks in the liner, causing expensive damages.

Burst Pipes
Cold temperatures might lead to the freezing or bursting of pipes in your pool. You have to ensure that you are continually running water through your pool pipes to ensure proper water flow.

Cracked Filter
Cooler temperatures can put extreme pressure on pool filters. Keep a check on the filters and ensure that your pool tank doesn’t crack during the autumn and winter months.


Must-Have Accessories For Autumn Pool Maintenance

Cleaning and maintaining your pool during the Autumn months is integral to keep it ready and infestation-free for the next summer.

Here is a list of must-have pool maintenance tools and accessories -

Pool Broom: The broom helps by making it easy to remove algae and leaves from the water’s surface.

Chemical Floater: The floater slowly releases chemicals into the pool over time, helping you prevent bacterial growth.

Pool Vacuum Cleaner: The vacuum helps easily remove algae and other stains from the pool tiles and sides.

Filter Cartridge Cleaner: It helps maintain pool hygiene by keeping the pool clean. The best time to run your pool filter is during the day, as the sunlight helps prevent the growth of algae and other plants.

Pool Cover: It will help keep the pool covered when it’s not used and protect it from unnecessary debris.


If you would like any advice on pool maintenance or would like to speak to someone about your next landscaping project, contact us today!

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